Author: Amy Baez

Therapy is great for children with learning disabilities, but what happens when they no longer need therapy but still need academic support? Parents can’t always fulfill the educational support a child needs, so having the additional resources at your disposal that come with hiring a tutor is crucial. While students without learning disabilities can fall behind and require the help of tutors, children...

Last week, Part 1 of Is Your Child Ready to Write? provided a brief description of six essentials skills needed for this important childhood milestone. These included posture and balance, arm control, shoulder stability, bilateral coordination, pencil grasp, and visual motor coordination. This week, Part 2 provides a breakdown of the sequence of formations created using visual motor coordination skills...

One question I wish more parents would ask themselves is whether their child is ready to write. Many parents and eeducators have expectations that children should know how to print their names before they start formal schooling. However, rarely is the question asked of whether a child is ready. There are Six Essentials to consider as essential in building a...

Learning how to tie shoelaces is a major milestone of childhood. Typically this skill is learned in preschool and can be mastered by 4-year-olds. Nowadays many children are experiencing a delay in this skill due to the decrease of laced shoes as well as the increase of children with weak hand muscle strength and coordination. Use Words For years, I have been...