Author: Amy Baez

The newest episode of Amy's Affirmations is a call to parents to decrease screen time and increase play time. Yes, it is no surprise that children of this generation have more access to screens than prior generations. Research is showing more and more that it is having detrimental effects. It is a step in the right direction that parents are...

Play positions. What are they, and why are they important? Parents typically understand the importance of playtime for their children, but they often don’t realize the importance of the body’s position in play. Today I want to share with you a tip that you can incorporate into play that leads to powerful results. That tip is to have your child...

As a therapist with experience working with hundreds of families, I can attest that one of the most difficult moments of parenting can be first asking the question, “Is my child delayed?” Acknowledging that your child may have a developmental delay can be heart breaking and confusing. Since there are many approaches to parenting, there are many ways a parent...

It's Back to School season. Families are posting picture of their children on the first day of school. Parenting are finishing picking up items on long school supplies lists. New shoes are getting their first big stretch and moment to shine. You can smell September in the air everywhere. Getting back into the swing of things after a long summer break can be...

With this week’s total solar eclipse taking over everyone’s news feed, I thought the perfect affirmation would be, "Let Your Light Shine." We all need a reminder at times to not shy away from our talents and what make us unique individuals. When you’re on an airplane, you are instructed to give yourself oxygen first during an emergency. It is important to...