28 Aug Let Your Light Shine
With this week’s total solar eclipse taking over everyone’s news feed, I thought the perfect affirmation would be, “Let Your Light Shine.” We all need a reminder at times to not shy away from our talents and what make us unique individuals. When you’re on an airplane, you are instructed to give yourself oxygen first during an emergency. It is important to remember to let your light shine so that you can illuminate those around you. Hence, when you are at your best as a parent, your child can sense your radiating energy. This allows them to feel safe, secure, and loved.
Let Your Light Shine
In this week’s episode of Amy’s Affirmations, I share some additional thoughts on how to let your light shine. In addition, I include a bonus coordination exercise for your child that embodies this affirmation. Check out the video to learn more and starting implementing more positivity into your day to day.
Amy Baez, MOT, OTR/L
Amy Baez is the Founder of Playapy and Creator of the PALS Handwriting Program. She is a pediatric occupational therapist, play advocate, and parent coach with over 17 years of experience. Learn more at www.playapy.com.