

Game Night Bundle

Original price was: $8.00.Current price is: $6.00.

This Game Night Bundle includes 4 virtual games. Watch the 10 Game Night Zoom Games  video to learn more. 
1. Disney Movie Magic
Can you guess the popular Disney movie? Roll a die to determine how many clues you can give the player. Read aloud a mix of the clues based on the number rolled. Ask the player to guess the movie.
2. Game Unscramble
Can you unscramble the letters to determine the name of the classic game?
Slideshow contains 15 examples of classic games with answers following each slide.
3. I Need a Hero
Can you guess the superhero based on the short description? Match the number to the list of choices. Answer key included.
4. Who Said It? 
Can you guess who said the inspirational quote? This slideshow of 10 famous inspirational quotes. Each quote is followed by a slide with the answer.
This Game Night Bundle includes 4 virtual games. Watch the 10 Game Night Zoom Games  video to learn more. 
1. Disney Movie Magic
Can you guess the popular Disney movie? Roll a die to determine how many clues you can give the player. Read aloud a mix of the clues based on the number rolled. Ask the player to guess the movie.
2. Game Unscramble
Can you unscramble the letters to determine the name of the classic game?
Slideshow contains 15 examples of classic games with answers following each slide.
3. I Need a Hero
Can you guess the superhero based on the short description? Match the number to the list of choices. Answer key included.
4. Who Said It? 
Can you guess who said the inspirational quote? This slideshow of 10 famous inspirational quotes. Each quote is followed by a slide with the answer.
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