The Magic of Creative Making

creative making

The Magic of Creative Making

Recently I went on a short trip to celebrate the fifth birthday of a family member. Before traveling, I was searching for a toy that he may like that wouldn’t be a risk to his younger brother. It also needed to have at least a spark of magic given the family’s love of all things Disney. I remembered that I had one box left of a toy called Arrazzles, which is constructional toy great for creative making. I often enjoy playing with these pieces with my patients, and I had been saving it for the right child. Although the toys didn’t have much instruction, I knew it would be a perfect match with a little demonstration.

Therapist Perspective

Being a pediatric occupational therapist for two and half decades, I have my favorite toys and activities. My favorite activity is making things, and the more abstract the better. I personally love to create as a form of play and building with objects can lead to great examples of creativity. In therapy sessions, I regularly give a child a box of various building materials and given them free play for 5-10 minutes to see what they make. The creativity and joy I experience amaze me each time.

Benefits of Creative Making 

Did you know that there is research to support the activity of creative making as a way to significantly reduce anxiety? Studies show that there can be a reduction is cortisol levels following art-making sessions, indicating a reduction in the stress response.  It can also lead to positive emotional responses including increased sense of accomplishment and improved mood. The time spent in creative making is also a mindfulness activity where the focus is on the present moment. I remember once taking a batik painting class for several hours, and it was the most relaxing experience I had that entire year. Getting lost in creativity can be like being in a meditative state. It simply brings me joy.

Creative Making Suggestions

If you are debating what types of activities give you the most benefits, consider making with constructional play toys as a fun option. Most families are familiar with Lego bricks. Other toys to consider for preschoolers include plastic links, magnetic tiles, and straw constructor toys. For early elementary age kids, I would recommend stem builder sets and Pix Brix. If you need more ideas for art-making activities, you can watch videos including paper folding, twist ties, and paper snowflakes. I hope they help you to continue to experience the benefits that come with magic of making.

Amy Baez is the Founder of Playapy and Creator of the PALS Handwriting Program. She is a pediatric occupational therapist, speaker, and parent educator with 25 years of experience.